The Process

From rough draft to pristine final copy in 7 easy steps!


You fill out this easy form.


I’ll respond to your email within 24 hours with a few initial questions about you, your project, and your goal. You send me a sample of the work to review and edit.


We schedule a FREE 30 minute Skype or telephone call where we can talk about the project in more detail, including time frame, a fixed price, and payment terms. I show you edited sample.


After our call, you send me your materials plus a 25% deposit and I get started!


You get your freshly edited product(s) back and have a chance to review my edits and suggestions. Then you have a week to make any changes and send it back for a final edit.


We send your amazing piece out into the world to wow your audience and make an impact!


You submit the remaining payment according to our payment terms.

Sound easy enough? Let’s get started!